Category: vSphere 5.0

VMware, vSphere 5.0

vCenter 4.1 to 5.0 Update 2 database upgrade failure

I’ve been working with a pretty big client the last couple weeks planning and upgrading around 20 vCenter 4.1 servers to 5.0 Update 2. This client runs all their databases on Oracle, currently version I checked out the Interoperability Matrixes and found that is supported for vCenter 5.0 Update 2. This client also uses the Oracle 11g client.…Read MorevCenter 4.1 to 5.0 Update 2 database upgrade failure

VMware, vSphere 5.0, vSphere 5.1

Windows 2008 R2 Templates / Customization Specification / Local Administrator Password

I haven’t done much with templates in quite a while. Last week a client requested I assist with creating a Windows 2008 R2 template. We installed the base OS, did some minor configuration such as installing VMware Tools, enabling RDP and disabling the firewall using netsh, since this template would be used for various server types and we had no…Read MoreWindows 2008 R2 Templates / Customization Specification / Local Administrator Password